Malachi & Mason
Back on August 14th 2020, I took my youngest son Malachi on an adventure with me. All of us were “sheltering in place” and being able to get out and go for a ride in the country was a big thing for him. And for me. I love having my kids come along with me, and share what I do with them.
I had discovered this home back in 2019 when I traveled to Drewryville, Virginia. It’s off a back road, and a good ways off that road and has a protective fence to discourage trespassing, so we were shooting from behind the fence, with a long telephoto lens, when an official looking guy in a Virginia-Carolina Timber Company company truck pulled up beside us. Before the gate and fence was signage that said the land was being managed by the Virginia-Carolina Timber Company. We got to talking, I showed him my magazine, told him about my project and asked some questions about the location.
From the fence line, using a 300mm lens, this was the only image and angle I could get.
"You guys want to go up closer to take pictures?"
"Just don't try to go inside, but have fun."
And have fun we did.
Being able to get closer, and use a 10-20mm lens, changes your whole perspective.
It was two years later that the property was torn down, and that I discovered that it wasn’t in “Mason” Virginia, but was the home of the Mason family.
Will Malachi ever follow in my footsteps as a photographer? Who knows? But he’s got that “photographer’s stance” down.
Like many older homes you can’t get a good idea of how big it truly is until you can see it from the side.
Think of how many times someone sat in that chair in the cool shade of the porch.