There Are Places

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Come With Me

When you see a photograph and it tells you a story.

If anyone knows who created this photograph, let me know so I can credit them.

I saw this photograph and it's so powerful and poignant. I have not been able to discover who created it - a Google image search reveals a plethora of postings, but no identification as to who the photographer is. And it is attributed to several locations - a chateau in France, a sanatorium in Pennsylvania. But no information to who the photographer is.

Nevertheless, I just wanted to share this with you. You know there's a story here. Every picture tells a story and here's the story it told me.

In my heart I'm imagining a war veteran who didn't let his injury stop him, and one night had fallen asleep in his chair, only to be awakened by an angel who said, "Come with me, someone wants to meet you face to face."

"But my legs, give me a moment to strap myself up."

And the angel extends his hand and gently pulls the man up saying, "Don't worry, I'm taking you where all things are new and made whole again."

The man looks down, and indeed it is true.