There Are Places

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Interpreting a photograph musically.

Ansel Adams once commented that the negative is the score, and the print the performance, so I thought I'd interpret this "musically."

When I considered this, Kindertotenlieder (“Songs on the Deaths of Children”) by Friedrich Rückert came to mind. His poem was interpreted musically by Gustav Mahler in 1902.

See if you can identify with my mood in this visual performance.

"Yes indeed, they have just stepped out, And now they are making their way home. Don't be worried, the day is fine. They have simply made a journey to those hills.

They have just gone out ahead of us, And they will not be coming home again. We'll go meet them on those hills, In the sunlight, the day is fine On those hills."

Here's a link to the poem, with an English translation:

And here's a link to Mahler's interpretation: