There Are Places

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Note from Michael - Ladysmith is in Blantons which is in Caroline County.

Originally I thought I had stumbled upon an old railroad depot, replete with a boarding house that probably served as the General Merchandise Store and Post Office; barn and storage facilities for goods to be off and on loaded. And a caboose! Now that had to make it an abandoned depot - right? Wrong. Not even close.

But still, it made for some great subject matter.

According to Teresa Satterwhite, “This was a general store. Davis and Allen they sold everything, even wooden caskets. I have many memories of that store. Many people have tried to remodel but usually never finish.”

Okay, whoever put this caboose here had me totally fooled.

I mean if you have the caboose, you have to have had the full train, right?

Never fails. I can be out in the country, so far off the beaten track that even AAA couldn’t find me, but when I bring out the medium format camera every good ole boy with a pickup truck suddenly appears and drives through that intersection.