There Are Places

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Le Grand Dame

I've passed by her several times since I began these journeys in 2018. Always I stop and take her portrait. But this time I saw her wrinkles despite the makeup, the sad lines of worry, the crow's feet of aging. Her family has a new house, a "nicer" house, just within her sight, and if she peers past the tree with the tire swing that no one uses anymore, she can see the family enjoying their lives.

Just without her.

Oh they haven't forgotten her - now she is a repository for all the old furniture, photographs, books, record albums of a life that's moved on. It's sad, and I think today I saw that sadness reflected in her countenance, despite her best efforts to hide it.

But she's "le grand dame" and is determined to stand for a few years more, and outlast that damn new home they built. She'll show them.