Little Texas

The “Old Ellis Farm House.”

I was, as I often am, wandering aimlessly down a country road, when I came to a fork in the road; and following Yogi Berra’s advice, I took it. And in doing so came across this abandoned farm house. I was intrigued by the house itself, the name, and that lone horse in the yard. After posting it I had a whole slew of comments from people who knew the location and the many families whose lives were connected to it. “The original owner was Bo Ellis. Then John Partridge who married Ellis Daughter.” Billy and Lizzie Jones, Lee and Beulah Stevens, cousin Julia Woodley, who “baby sat us when mom and dad went to work…and raised Edmond and Leroy.”

When I asked why was it referred to as “Little Texas” I was told because of the Little Texas Cattle Company.

None of us grow up in a vacuum. We’re all interconnected by family and community. And no place is abandoned if it’s filled with memories.

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The Happy Days Soap Factory