The Howland Graded School
One of the things I enjoy is "discovering" history, often overlooked by the people closest to it. You know, those old buildings that you pass by all the time and never stop to wonder who lived there, or what purpose did they serve.
The Howland Graded School was built in 1867, and was funded by New York philanthropist, educator, and reformer, Emily Howland, for whom the building is named, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The school's purpose was to educate former slaves, and was overseen by the local Baptist church. It was called a "graded" school because it only offered education for grades 1st through 7th.
What history do you pass by everyday?
"Emily Howland (1827-1929), who came to Northumberland County at the close of the Civil War. She purchased land for African Americans to farm and taught school in a small log structure. Her classes were so popular that the present, more substantial structure, designed to serve also as a chapel, was soon erected."
Virginia Department of Historical Resources. Updated February 15, 2019
I shot both black and white medium format and digital this day, but mainly digital as this area had biting deer flies as big as my cat!
This would have been the teacher’s cottage, hers to live in as long as she was employed there - and didn’t marry.
The outhouse is closer to the cottage than to the school. Infer what you will.