When You’re Bored

…and have Photoshop

Not every journey is as successful as I’d like it to be. Many a time I’ve left a beautifully overcast, angry storm front moving in, sky filled with dramatic clouds and gorgeous non-directional light day at home, and traveled an hour to four hours, only to find my location is one of those days the weathercasters love to tell us about - bright, sunny, directional light (and almost always coming from the wrong direction) and not a cloud in sight. Some locations I’ve visited and shot three or four times before I got the image I wanted.

This home has been described as the first duplex in Virginia. I rather doubt it. But I rather doubt the visual I created is anything other than a bored photographer’s, frustration that this place always seems to be bright and sunny for me, but perfect for people who take crooked, cell phone shots, through their passenger side window - including the rear view mirror.

And I have Photoshop and a wicked sense of humor. Some have even described it as disturbing.


I was able, on my third attempt (and each attempt was a good hour drive to arrive at this location) to get the image I wanted. Perseverance pays off. (And I didn’t have to hire that clown again. He was kinda creepy…)


A Love Story of Sorts

